Eyas's Blog

All the places a ScriptableObject is stored

In Unity, architecting games using scriptable objects is gaining traction. Data represented as a ScriptableObject can be decoupled from specific runtime objects, referenced liberally in prefabs, and used to streamline communication across objects.

A serialized ScriptableObject can be stored within its own asset file, within another asset, or even directly within a scene.

Creating ScriptableObjects

… as a standalone .asset

A standalone asset appears on its own within the project view.

A great shortcut to creating a ScriptableObject in its own asset is using the [CreateAssetMenu] attribute.

If you would like to create an asset manually in your Editor script, you can first create the object in-memory using ScriptableObject.CreateInstance, then persisting it with AssetDatabase.CreateAsset:

var created = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MyScriptableObject>();
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(created, "Assets/My Object Name.asset");

… within another .asset

An asset with sub-assets.

The main asset, shown here named as “My Object”, with a few unnamed sub-assets.

An Asset doesn’t have to be made of a single object. This is especially helpful when a certain object is meaningless on its own.

For example, we can represent an entire Dialogue encounter as a directed graph of potential interactions. It might be helpful to represent a Dialogue Node as a ScriptableObject, but persisting each Node as a separate asset could pollute your asset tree and lead to confusion as single pieces of interaction make little sense without their surrounding context.

Here, we can add a ScriptableObject to another asset using AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset:

var created = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MyScriptableObject>();
AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(created, "Assets/Path To Specific.asset");

or even:

var created = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MyScriptableObject>();

Object target = property.serializedObject.targetObject;
if (!EditorUtility.IsPersistent(target))
   throw new UnityException("Trying to add object to non-persistent target.");

AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(created, target);

Note that each Asset file has a “Main” Asset and any number of sub-assets. AssetDatabase.IsMainAsset and IsSubAsset can let you know given a UnityEngine.Object or instance ID.

… in scenes?

If you add an in-memory ScriptableObject to a SerializedProperty and apply it to a scene object, you might be surprised to see the object show up in your .scene file. The serialization behavior of ScriptableObjects within scene-bound GameObjects is quite different from assets:

Scene game objects are not persistent. That means EditorUtility.IsPersistent will be false when passing your scene-bound game object. It also means that passing your game object as the asset object in AddObjectToAsset will not work; rather, it throws an exception stating the game object is not persistent.

How do you add a ScriptableObject to a scene-bound GameObject, you ask? By doing nothing—obviously 🤷.

var created = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MyScriptableObject>();
property.objectReferenceValue = created;


Once you do so and save your scene, you’ll notice the serialized scriptable object appear in your .scene file.

… what about prefabs?

It would be reasonable to assume a scriptable object is similarly persisted in a .prefab file if you do the same thing within a prefab context. It would also be wrong.

A prefab object is not persistent. Yet, adding a ScriptableObject to a SerializedProperty inside of it will only appear to do the same thing as a scene when it is still in memory. The moment you save an exit a prefab, you’ll notice the scriptable object was never serialized, and property fields that reference it appear null.

Global ScriptableObject assets use cases are often intuitive

Ryan Hipple describes using global objects created with [CreateAssetMenu] to represent global variables and events (e.g. a Player’s HP). In Richard Fine’s talk, he also uses global assets to represent pluggable AIs, audio events that play sounds with various strategies, etc. In all those cases, these objects are individual reusable assets, which you could reference throughout your game.

To me, these use cases seem straightforward: these ScriptableObject assets seem to fall into two categories:

  1. Reduce repetition by referencing similar “classes” of data/behaviors together, such as a similar set of sounds that most explosions can make, or basic characteristics of certain enemies

  2. Replace static variables, or global “game state managers”, from a GameObject representation to a global representation

You can reference a Player HP ScriptableObject within a pure Prefab context, for example, without depending on a Player or Player Health manager existing in the same scene, etc.

A ScriptableObject sub-asset is often useful too

While Ryan Hipple demonstrates compelling use cases of having many small ScriptableObjects, Richard Fine shows much larger ScriptableObjects housing Game State, destruction sequences, and more.

When this data needs to be serialized, in most cases, this data should probably be represented as a plain-old-data-object with a [Serializable] attribute. Sometimes, however, data within a ScriptableObject is best represented as a ScriptableObject sub-asset itself.

A Dialogue encounter represented as a graph in a custom Unity Editor

Due to the frequent representation of dialogue trees as graphs, it is often compelling to represent each node in an editor as its own Scriptable Object.

For example, if you are building a graph of objects that cross-reference each other (e.g. a State Machine with its own editor, a Dialogue graph, etc.), then you will probably want to represent nodes as UnityEngine.Objects that are referenced by instance ID when serialized, rather than serialize copies of the same object.

Scene-attached ScriptableObjects seem less clear

I previously discussed some interesting patterns in Unity’s Adventure Game tutorial from 2016.

That tutorial ends up presenting interesting questions about when to embed a ScriptableObject on its own, when to embed it within another ScriptableObject asset, and when you might put it on a scene directly.

One heuristic to decide what architecture works best for you looks something like this:

Need to reference across objectsNo need to cross-reference
Varies wildly per-Object instanceScriptableObject within an asset.
(should be rare)
[Serializable] class or struct. **
Limited “classes” of data/behaviorsScriptableObject within an asset.Reference ScriptableObject within an asset.

You might see this leaves little room for Scene-attached scriptable objects. Indeed, in my previous article, I wondered out loud why a scene-only ScriptableObject attached to a MonoBehaviour makes sense, rather than serializing the same information in a Serializable class or struct. Part of the answer, it turns out, is as a shortcut to support serialized polymorphism.

If your property can be of multiple sub-types, and each sub-type might need a custom editor or property drawer, you’ll have a much easier type representing this in ScriptableObjects than a [Serializable] abstract parent class. Unity’s Adventure Game tutorial takes advantage of this in the EditorWithSubEditors construct.

In general, beware of Scene-attached scriptable objects; these have some pitfalls:

  • Your ScriptableObjects will always be on a scene. If you prefab an object that references Scene-attached ScriptableObjects, these properties will remain as overrides in the scene itself.
  • When in the Editor, you might mistakenly set these values within a prefab and assume all is well until you switch scenes.

Where your needs outweigh these pitfalls, Scene-attached Scriptable Objects remain a powerful tool.

Tools on a board

Photo by NDB Photos, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, (via Flickr)

Tools in your Toolbox

Ultimately, each of these patterns is a tool appropriate for some jobs more than others. These patterns are not an ordered list of best-practices that always make sense compared to lower-ranked alternatives.

If you have a singular “global” value that tracks game state, consider persisting assets. Similarly, try replacing your global/static “manager” GameObject with an asset.

Where it makes sense, group some of these assets under an appropriate “parent” asset.

In a few cases, it might make sense to just put your Scriptable Object in a scene.

Just as importantly, however, think if your data/behavior really needs to be in a Unity Object. If you can get away with it, why not use lighter weight serializable classes or structs?